Grant Writing & Administration.

Town of Silver Plume

Project Description:

CPS has been working with the Town since 2019 to find potential funding sources to leverage town resources on a variety of project. Beginning with a list of projects and capital purchases, CPS researched a variety of programs and options for the Town to make purchases to meet their needs. CPS was successful in securing $181,500 in CDPHE Water Quality Improvement Funding for improvements along Main Street and an $11,000 DOLA Administrative Planning Grant to complete a Strategic Plan to identify and prioritize the town’s projects.

As the conversations developed over time, CPS began to offer expanded services in community development, land use, and planning areas. Silver Plume recognized CPS’s unique experience and background in municipal management and tasked them with reviewing and assessing an update to the town’s building code requirements. Lastly, CPS provided valuable training to the Board of Trustees on the development review process which was informative to all Board members who weren’t aware of the Town’s zoning requirements and land use policy in general. By having CPS share their experiences and knowledge with the Town, the Board now recognizes the value of community engagement and input, long-range planning, and developing a strategy for implementing projects.

  • Town of Silver Plume

  • Grant Writing & Administration
    Strategic Plan


Rio Grande County- Code Assessment & Update


Town of Silver Plume- Strategic Plan